6 ways to invest in yourself.
The power of intention setting is the greatest gift of all.
I wanted to share with you guys 6 self‑reminders that have shaped me with a healthier mentality.
I added in my personal reflections so you guys can know me a bit better!!
Life gets a little easier and happier once you build a healthy relationship with yourself. Make sure to spend quality time with yourself. Those special moments are intimate and you learn a lot about yourself through it all.
I was running left and right, satisfying all my responsibilities was exhausting. I used to handle school, two jobs, 5+ clubs, and teach at my church ministry every week. However, I wasn’t able to do all this without finding a stable relationship with myself. I’ve learned to enjoy my own presence and take myself out on mini shopping/tea dates in between my hustling.
2. Try Something New
It’s great to take a break and binge a whole season of a show but once in a while, try and find something new! You’ll learn so much more about yourself and maybe even find something you’re passionate about.
Kait’s Reflection — I know if I didn’t go out and played around with my camera, I wouldn’t find out that photography would become part of my identity. Besides photography, so many other things have interested me. I learned that I can play a kalimba, ride a skateboard, love nature activities even though I’m allergic to mother nature, spontaneous adventures especially if it means parkour, and so much more!!
3. Trust the Process
Are you’re doubting yourself? Thinking you’re not good enough for something? You never know until you try and if you fail, that’s one step closer to your pathway to success.
There have been countless times when I didn’t trust my abilities and my parents have told me I couldn’t do it. Countless times when I changed my career paths and felt completely lost. I’m here to say that’s okay. It’s okay if you don’t know who you want to be and what you want to do. It’s okay if the people who love you the most don’t support your goals. If you believe in yourself and trust the process, put 150% effort into it! Your time is precious. You don’t have time to waste pondering if you’ll make it or not. You have to go grab it and make it yours!!! At the end of the day, it’s you who has full control of how you want to live like.
4. Self-Love
The harsh reality is that no one is going to care and look out for you more than yourself. It is so important to treat yourself with love and kindness. Make sure to schedule a self-care day or a coffee date with yourself in between the chaos of life! Never neglect yourself to prioritize others first.
If I didn’t treat myself out for a drink or skincare day, I wouldn’t be able to handle this little business of mine. I’d probably be a mess if I wasn’t taking care of myself first and tending to others. It is essential to fuel yourself up first before serving anyone else but yourself. What I’ve learned is that you can’t pour energy into anything if you didn’t have any fuel within yourself in the beginning.
5. Gratitude
I know life gets a little crazy at times. We have to remember to stop and thank God, family, friends, and ourselves for what we have in life. Hit up someone and send them thanks for making your life a little brighter or an “ily” <3.
Kait’s Reflection — Photography has given me so many fun opportunities to go explore and create memorable moments with my old friends and new clients I’m able to call my friends. My highlights have been the ones where I trespassed into an abandoned hotel to get cool city shots to my clients getting drunk during photo sessions to look more fun in pictures. This passion of mine has made me more daring and spontaneous to go out and make fun stories and friendships to look back on.
6. Revisit and Reminisce
It’s crazy how time flies especially this year. Make sure to congratulate yourself for everything you’ve accomplished and struggled through!! <3
In many ways, I’m so grateful for how 2020 has shaped us. I’ve become more grateful than ever for the people that have loved and care for me especially during the dark times that I’ve lost myself. I’m also forever grateful for everyone that has watched me prosper in my photography business! To those who continue to refer me to their family and friends, you are why my business continues to grow and my motivation to curate my service more special for you guys.